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研究 网络平台经济轨迹


在我们最近发布的报告中 发薪日、薪水支票和在线平台经济, we documented the extraordinary growth in the number of individuals who are earning income from online platforms, 比如Uber, 12bet官方, 或Airbnb. 1 从六百万人的宇宙中 匿名 核心大通客户, 我们收集了超过260条的数据,000 individuals who earned income from at least one of 30 distinct platforms between October 2012 and September 2015—the largest sample of platform earners to date. 在这三年期间, monthly participation in the Online Platform Economy grew 10-fold, 从0.1% to 1.我们样本中0%的成年人. In the same period the cumulative participation grew 从0.1%的成年人到4岁.2%,增长了47倍. We found that this growth also varied between labor platforms, where individuals perform discrete tasks or assignments; and capital platforms, 个人点对点销售商品或租赁资产的地方.

The high growth that we find in our sample raises important questions about the trajectory of growth in the Online Platform Economy. 例如,哪种类型的平台增长更快? How consistent is the growth of individuals participating, and of money earned on these platforms? Are individuals increasing their reliance on these platform opportunities? 通过进一步分析我们样品的生长速率, we discover a few key insights into what we might expect going forward from this new way to work.

  • 首先,正如我们的报告所记载的, the growth rates for participation in both labor and capital platforms are tremendously high. The year-over-year growth in the percent of adults earning income from the Online Platform Economy exceeded 60 percent in every month between October 2013 and September 2015.
  • 第二,收入者的参与 劳动力平台的增长速度快于资本平台. Year-over-year growth rates in monthly participation ranged from 300 percent to 440 percent for labor platforms in 2013 and 2014, whereas they ranged from 50 percent to 250 percent for capital platforms during this period.
  • 第三, 尽管增长如此之快, year-over-year growth rates were not consistent over the observable time period. 事实上, there has been a marked slowdown occurring in monthly participation growth 劳动力和资本平台上的收入者. 在这段时间内, year-over-year growth rates in monthly participation peaked at roughly 440 percent for labor platforms in August of 2014 and 250 percent for capital platforms in September of 2014. They then fell almost continuously to roughly 170 percent for labor platforms and 30 percent for capital platforms in September 2015. 不过, if the year-over-year growth rates in participation observed in September 2015 were to continue going forward, the percent of participants in labor platforms would more than double every year, and the percent of participants in capital platforms would double roughly every three years.
  • 第四,我们找到了 similar slowdown in growth in total dollars earned on these platforms. 事实上, year-over-year growth in dollars earned fell even more precipitously than did the number of participants, from a high of over 500 percent to a low of 100 percent for labor platforms, and from around 200 percent to 20 percent for capital platforms. The concurrent falling growth trajectories in both total dollars earned and the number of active participants are consistent with the stable or falling rates of reliance on platform earnings documented in our report. The percent of active participants who relied on platform earnings for more than 75 percent of their income remained relatively steady over the three years—representing 25 percent of labor platform participants and 17 percent of capital platform participants.

Decision makers would be remiss not to consider the policy and economic implications of any development in the labor market with these startling growth rates. 即使是在低端, 无论是参与率还是收入, 在线平台以每年约50%的速度增长, making it by far the fastest growing segment of the labor market. 2 The development of the Online Platform Economy presents a real opportunity for individual workers to generate additional earnings when income from their traditional jobs falls short or when they are in transition between jobs; yet it also poses important questions about worker protections and benefits. Will these platform jobs have the potential to become individuals" main sources of livelihood or remain a marketplace of side "gigs"? 虽然现在下结论可能还为时过早, policy makers and business leaders have the opportunity right now to understand and help shape this new marketplace for the greater good of workers and the economy.

The 12bet官方 研究所 is committed to delivering data-rich analyses and expert insights for the public good. 我们最近发布的报告 薪水、发薪日和在线平台经济 explores the demographics and sources of income volatility and provides an unprecedented look at the impact of the Online Platform Economy.



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